A basic guide when a doctor or Nurse Practitioner ("the practitioner") is asked to view a deceased person.
1. Confirm that the person is dead and the identity of the deceased.
2. Is it a Coroner case?
- YES: the case is accepted by the Coroner - then you should not complete a death certificate.
- NO: it is not a Coroner case - then determine whether you can complete a death certificate: go to 3
3. Did you attend the deceased in his or her last illness?
- YES: you can complete the death certificate
- NO: go to 4.
4. Will the attending practitioner(s) be available to complete the certificates within 24 hours of the death?
- YES: do not complete the certificates. Ensure that the attending practitioners are informed about the death as soon as they arrive
(they must complete the certificates "immediately" after they are informed of the death).
- NO: i.e. no attending practitioners will be available within 24 hours of the death:
then you may be entitled to complete the certificates: go to 5
5. If you did not attend the deceased in his or her last illness
AND it is not a Coroner case
AND none of the practitioners who attended
the deceased in the last illness will be available within 24 hours of the death:
- if possible, contact the attending practitioner to discuss the case
- you must review the medical records of the deceased
- you must examine the body of the deceased
- then you can, if satisfied, complete the death and cremation certificates.
6. Which certificate to complete?
A. Miscarriage (died before delivery) less than 20 weeks gestation AND under 400g birth weight: no certificates needed
B. Stillbirth (Fetal death): died before being born, gestation 20 weeks or older or weight more than 400g:
- HP4721 (Certificate of Fetal or Neonatal Death)
- no cremation form is needed
C. Neonatal death: any birth where the foetus had a heartbeat or breath or movement after delivery
(regardless of gestation)
but then died less than 28 days after delivery:
- HP4721 (Certificate of Fetal or Neonatal Death)
- Cremation Form B required for cremation
D. Death occurred older than 28 days (including adults)
- HP4720 or Death Documents
- Cremation Form B required for cremation